CFO Services

Financial Leadership to Help Grow Your Business

It goes without saying that running a business is a difficult and time-consuming task. From providing the best products and services for your clients to managing your team, it’s a demanding job. Managing accounting and finance complexities adds a whole other layer.

For smaller businesses its often not feasible to have a full time accountant on staff. But it’s still necessary to have access to the right expertise to ensure your business is financially successful and complying with all regulations and laws.

This is where AddBack Solutions’ CFO services come in.

C-Suite Experience without the C-Suite Expense

AddBack Solutions offers CFO services, providing crucial financial management and reporting services to keep your business successful. We offer highly competitive rates, and you only pay for the services you need.

Our CFOs can help with risk and tax management, internal controls, and cash flow assumptions. Allow our expert advice, precise implementations, and strong connections to enhance your operation.

C-Suite Experience without the C-Suite Expense

Contact us today for more information on:

Assessing Current and Future Working Capital Requirements

Assessing Current and Future Working Capital Requirements

Long term strategies for short term obligations that set your business up for success.

Assessing Team & Processes

Assessing Team & Processes

We provide guidance on a more efficient structure based on the nature of your business. Putting a team structure and management accounting in place creates the foundation for better business decisions.

Outsourcing vs In-House

Outsourcing vs In-House

Identifying the processes in your business that warrant in-house overhead vs processes that are more efficiently outsourced.

Analyzing Benefits Programs

Analyzing Benefits Programs

We offer your employees an innovative insurance product for better tele-medicine products that also increases their take home pay and creates tax savings for you.

Leveraging Technology & People to Streamline Processes

Leveraging Technology & People to Streamline Processes

We locate and implement the right technological products that compliment your business, enhance your teamwork, and provide a better experience for your clients.

Maximizing Vendor Relationships

Maximizing Vendor Relationships

We employ proven strategies to identify funds owed to your business, at no cost to your business.

Why our CFO Services?

The road to success isn’t always straight. Sometimes there are detours, bumps and bends in the road. The management and financial experts at AddBack Solutions have decades of experience that you can leverage to keep your business success on track.

How it Works

We have streamlined the process to make it easier to begin solving your company’s financial challenges.

Choose Your Service

Choose Your Service

Simply answer a few basic questions to help us understand your specific business challenges.

Assess Your Needs

Assess Your Needs

Once your information is submitted, we will schedule a call to take a deeper dive into the organization, its operations and processes, pain-points, and performance metrics to-date.

Advise & Plan

Advise & Plan

Working closely with you, we create a business strategy tailored to your needs, and map out the steps your company will take on its path to long-term success.

Let's Get to Work

Let's Get to Work

We are with you throughout this journey providing counsel and expert solutions to any challenges en route to success. Along the way, you’ll learn lessons in strategic leadership, goal setting, delegation, and complex problem solving. You will benefit from our experience in utilizing technology to automate critical processes to create money-saving operational efficiencies.

CFO Services Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the role of the CFO so critical to a company’s success?

The chief financial officer (CFO) plays an important role in your company’s success by tracking cash flow and overseeing accounts payable, receivables, directing the organization’s fiscal planning efforts, and analyzing its financial strengths and weaknesses.

Each growth stage of a small business requires careful planning and support in the areas of technology, human resources, organization structure and operations, strategic planning, revenue reporting, and of course finances.

While the CFO is indeed accountable to the organization and its employees for the company’s fiscal well being, he or she is also answerable to various regulatory bodies and authorities including but not limited to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in publicly held companies.

As such, your CFO must be well-versed in generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) and other state and federal auditing and accounting regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

What is a fractional CFO?

A fractional CFO has the same duties and responsibilities of a full time CFO, but performs them on a part time and/or remote basis. This is especially helpful for companies that cannot justify a full time chief financial officer.

Outsourced CFO services from AddBack Solutions are a great way for small businesses to gain the high-value expertise and wisdom of a seasoned CFO without the burden of carrying a high-cost salary on the books. Contact the professionals at AddBack Solutions to find out if their virtual CFO services could benefit your company.